Light Tactical Fighter (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : The Saga of Nomi Sunrider
Light tactical fighter was a small one-pilot starfighter which was utilized by Bogga the Hutt's criminal organization around 4000 BBY. The fighter was armed with two laser cannons that were mounted on two the auxillary fins protruded from the sublight drives. It is unknown if it was equiped with a deflector shields or a hyperdrive unit.
Once Dreebo, one of the Bogga's pilots, flying escort for the ore hauler in his light tactical fighter, came across two pirate ships that were trying to steal the hauler's load of mutonium ore. Maneuvering his starfighter around to attack the pirates, Dreebo opened up with both laser cannons. However, Dreebo's gunning skills wasn't tha good, and despite the size of the pirate ships - each was about hundred meters long - every shot he fired missed its target. As Dreebo continued to strafe the pirate ships, one of the pirate ships was able to take a precise shot at Dreebo's fighter, momentarily destoying the the fighter and killing Dreebo along with it.

Complete list
Ithullan Ore Hauler (V.ORE1)
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Ithullan Ore Hauler (V.ORE1)
Ithullan Ore Hauler | Marauder Starjacker (E-2 Asteroid Miner) | E-2 Asteroid Miner | Stenness Raider (E-2 Asteroid Miner) | Stonebone, Finhead | Dreebo

Last updated: 22.07.2020 17:39:56